Our goal is to get grounded in ourselves and gain clarity of our goals for 2016. We want to continue to expand the way we always have, but, it's good to check in on our intentions and ways to get further in our mission to be of service. We've never done a survey before, but, thought it would be the best way to gain a bigger picture of YOU. Because, it's ultimately all about you and what your needs are that drive us forward. So, we're looking for more ways to do that - and you can help.
^^Click Here To Learn More^^
Don't worry!! There are, of course, GIFTS involved!!
We know your time is precious, and that it's only healthy when there is a loving energy exchange between us - SO, a thank you for your time and energy on this survey (and, perhaps even joining our mailing list - wink wink, nudge nudge), we would like to help you focus more on your well being. That's why we're declaring SELF-CARE as the theme of 2016! We're making a promise to take better care of ourselves so we can also take better care of Crowning Lotus and all of YOU. And, we want you to do the same. We went ahead and created a FREE Self-Care Action Plan that we hope you will take full advantage of!! Simply fill out the survey below, send us your email address and we will email you our Self-Care Action Plan to you totally free. *Please note that we have to do this personally, it is not automated. You should get your plan within 24-48 hours!! |
How long will this take? Depends on the individual, but, generally between 5-15 minutes.
Who should take this survey? If you are here, it's for you. We want to know more about the people we are reaching.
Let's get Started!!
Who should take this survey? If you are here, it's for you. We want to know more about the people we are reaching.
Let's get Started!!