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When I was being trained to become a doula, we were told about how children can sometimes recall their births in exact detail. I was pregnant for my third and final child at the time and became very excited by this study and decided that when the time was right, I was going to ask my child about their birth. The rules were simple - don't ask any "leading" questions and wait for a moment that felt right, when the child is lucid and offers the information.
About 3 years later I was watching a birth video on YouTube (not uncommon in this doula's homestead) and my youngest came in and watched the tail end of it with me (ha! Pun intended). When it was over he said "the baby came out?" and I said, "Yep. The mama and the baby worked together and the baby came out and was born! Isn't that cool?" "Yea! That's how I came out of you body, too." This is the moment. I felt it in my bones...he was lucid, curious, attentive - and he seemed to know what he was talking about. So, I said, "Yes it is! Do you remember what that was like?" And, he said...
So, you want to give birth naturally - but - almost everyone in your world thinks you're crazy. You need to know it's NOT you....it's everyone else who has drank the kool-aid. Here's what you need to know so we can change the "story".
Who did you look to for help when breastfeeding?
![]() Currently, the American cesarean section rate in America lingers at around 33%, 22% of those women are primary cesareans (meaning they are first time mothers). This means that one out of three women will end up with a cesarean and that every child she subsequently has will be "higher risk" and it might be incredibly difficult for her to find a care provider and/or hospital who will support or even admit to a woman that she can try to give birth vaginally after cesarean (VBAC). The risk of an unwanted and unnecessary cesarean is especially higher for the families who go into the birthing process without being informed or supported properly. Hospitals and OB's are there to medically manage your care - not to ensure that you have a natural or even satisfying birth experience. If you truly wish to avoid a cesarean - or to even have an empowered one when neccessary, get informed and hire a professional to help you along in your journey!
It's all in you.When we know better - we do better. This blog is dedicated to those who are committed to doing the very best they can with the knowledge and experience they have. <3 |